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Joint Venture Variables To Negotiate

Chapter P

Venture Variables - What You Negotiate

Joint Venture Variable Checklist

BILL: I'm leaving Monday.

LOUISE: Monday! Well, as long as I don't suffer financially. How good is this guy you've got to take care of this property?

BILL: Well. he's pretty good. and what I'll do is talk to him by phone, weekly. The village where I am moving does not have phones so I'll be going to where a trading post Is. So I'll try to stay on top of things. In addition. I'm going to need some of my profits up front too, Louise. Not all of it, but about $4.000. This girl I'm marrying, she's the daughter of a chief, and they do things in the old way. I've got to come up with 10 Appaloosa horses as a bride prize. It's normally $800, but buying in units of 10 I can do it for $4,000. That's all right isn't it, Louise?

LOUISE: Well. I don't know too much about horse trading. but I do know that I feel like fair is fair. If this is a problem in your own life. I can appreciate that. I'm asking you to appreciate that I shouldn't have to suffer because of It. We did make a transaction when we went into this, and I feel like what you and Mike work out between you, is fine. But I feel like I should have my fair share of the profits which is what we agreed to first.

BILL: Well, let's see. We were shooting at $15,000 for the profit. That would've been $7,500 apiece, Mike wants $5,000. That would leave $2,500 for me. I've got to have $4,000.

LOUISE: Well. let me tell you what. I happen to raise Appaloosa horses, and I can get you Appaloosas for a deal. Nice blankets, good spots and all.

BILL: Where arc they?

LOUISE: In my back yard. I have 20 acres out in West Cobb.

BILL: In West Cobb?

LOUl5E: West Cobb, and I raise Appaloosas.

BILL: Will you transport them to Montana for me?

LOUI5E: We can work that out? How about that?

BILL: Perhaps we could drive them there together. A true partnership.

LOUISE: Sounds good to me. A true partnership.

The important point is that the partners worked it out.

How Can Each Partner Rid Him Or Herself Of The Other If A Breach Of Feasance Is Determined?

What is feasance? Malfeasance means you do something badly and nonfeasance, means you don't do it at all. When you add those possibilities to some common things that can go wrong, you've got some good size problems. What kind of an agreement did you have going in? What if the partnership got started on the wrong foot with some incorrect assumptions, and complications occurred? What if the money that's invested came from a spouse? Lots of
complications could result if one partner, rightly or wrongly, feels they are hurt by a partner.

Joint Venture Variables to Negotiate - Chapter P

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