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Joint Venture Variables To Negotiate

Chapter P

Venture Variables - What You Negotiate

Joint Venture Variable Checklist

DIANE: Well as you know, I don't know very much about real estate. Do you have any ideas in mind?

LAURA: I have some friends with other properties that could come in and act as manager of the property for you, if you could buy out my interest and let me go. These are people I have known for years and I feel very comfortable leaving them with you. Of course, I don't want to jeopardize our personal relationship either. So if I could bring them in and you could hire them, you could own the apartment complex on your own and just buy me out. It that something that we could work on or do? Or if you need, maybe I could find another partner who could come in and help you if you just don't want to buy me out.

DIANE: Well, how much additional money are we talking about?

LAURA: We've only had that project for about six months, and I personally don't have very much invested in it. I do have all of my time and it is fully rented now so there is a positive cash flow on the property. Since the building itself is worth about $200,000, and we bought it at a sharp discount, I was looking at getting at least $75,000 out of it.

DIANE: How is this going to impact my investment?

LAURA: You would still be getting everything, probably more, because you would own all of it and no longer have a partner. You would just be paying someone to manage the property for you. Or if you would like, I can find another partner to buy me out, with your approval.

DIANE: I think I like the idea of another partner who knows more about the real estate business.

LAURA: Okay, so I could get together a couple of people that I know and we could all sit down and meet. If you're comfortable with them, then I could sell my interest to them and you would become partners.

DIANE: That sounds very good.

The important consideration is to make adjustments when necessary. Here is another lighthearted example. Let's listen to Bill and Louise.

BILL: Louise, something has happened in my life that affects you. I just wanted to bring you up to speed. As you know, I've been having a terrible time with my marriage over the last two or three years, and of course, last month I took that hunting trip to Montana ... well, something happened to me while I was there, Louise. I fell in love with a beautiful Indian Maiden. And I'm going to move to Montana and marry. I'm out of here. I'm going soon. And of course, the house is halfway done, but I've spoken to my friend Mike who is fairly experienced at this type of renovation. He said he would fill in for me, OK? But, he wants $5,000 for his part. We were shooting at $15,000, so it's going to lessen our profits. but you'll still be making about $6,000. I think he wants about a $2,000 draw, is that OK, Louise?

LOUI5E: Wow. this is quite a surprise. It really wasn't my intention to get involved, but offhand. I have to say I'm glad things are working out for you personally. How long do you think it's going to be before you're gone?

Joint Venture Variables to Negotiate - Chapter P

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